Cdn. Pioneers of the full-standing, weight-bearing 3-D plaster casting method enabling us to handcraft your custom orthotics right in our onsite lab.

Unique 3-D
Casting Method
Happy Feet Start Here!
Bedford Orthotics are pioneers in Canada of the full-standing weight-bearing 3-D plaster casting method.
For the same reason you walk around in new shoes you might buy, in our experience, we achieve a true foot mold when standing upright on your foot as it naturally touches the ground.
After we create a true model of your unique feet we can best handcraft your optimal performance custom orthotics.
We take the time to handcraft it right and have built our reputation by consistently delivering long-term, pain-free results.
Better fit, fewer adjustments, faster-sustained relief, assured. Happy feet for life!
PHOTO: Jennie, C. Ped (C) casts Andrea's son Vance
The Discovery
Andrea has been a practicing pedorthics since 1988. Early in her career Andrea was casting a foot and when the orthotics were fitted she noticed a large gap between the arch and the orthotic. The mold was accurate to the cast but got lost in translation not factoring in that the foot elongates and splays out under load.
Andrea dedicated her career journey to perfecting the full-standing weight casting process since 1988 with thousands of anecdotal patient satisfaction the standing weight casting method was formally evaluated positively at Dalhousie University.
Research Summary
Three pairs of orthotics fabricated from non-weight-bearing, semi-weight-bearing and weight-bearing casts for a single participant with flat feet. Gait analysis showed that all orthotics were effective in correcting flat feet related deficiencies, with the weight-bearing orthotics achieving the highest degree of correction to the longitudinal arch although they protruded into the foot the least.*
* Friedman Raz, Y. (2019). The Casting Method's Effect: Assessment of Foot Orthotics Fabricated From Three Different Casts on Distal Lower Limb Mechanics (unpublished Honours thesis). Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada.